Zonesh (Game)

Zonesh is a game designed by W. D. Troyka.

Rules: Zonesh is played on a 6×6 grid. Each player has 10 stones which begin in the formation below:


Players take turns moving one stone at a time. A stone can move or capture a single space in any of the four main directions. If it is outside of its home zone at the beginning of the turn, it may alternatively move or capture diagonally.

Goal: The first player to either capture all of the opponent’s pieces or reach the far corner of the opponent’s enemy zone with a piece wins.

Comments: Zonesh is another respectable “mini-abstract” with enough depth to be interesting. The gameplay is reminiscent of Breakthrough; players try to avoid trading advanced pieces, and they generally leave behind a few defenders. For Zonesh, two defenders in a “domino” shape near the home corner are enough to necessitate at least two enemy attackers.

Examples: It’s visually clear that red is doing well in this endgame; blue cannot force the trade of the advanced a3 stone anytime in the near future.  But in this particular position, red can win very quickly.

Red to move and win

Red to move and win

The move is 1… e4-d4. Now blue cannot capture due to a3-b2, and c1-c2 fails to d4xc3. Hence, blue must play 2. c3-c2. But then after 1. d4-d3, blue is in a decisive zugzwang; he must give up a piece and with it the game.

In the next example, blue has an advanced piece of his own, but it isn’t  enough.


Red to move and win


The simple 1… e3-d3 wins.  The main idea is that 2. c5-d6 is met with 2…d3-d4, once again inducing a decisive zugzwang.  After the forced retreat 3. d6-c6, d4-c3 gives red a forced  win on a1.

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